The heartbroken mum of a woman killed in house fire has been told she must pay out £160 to cancel her dead daughter's phone contract.

Kyrie Knight died in the early hours of New Year's Day - just a few short hours after sending her mum, Mandy, a text wishing her a happy new year.

She had decided to stay in for a quite night with her five-month-old son, Caden, but died of smoke inhalation when a tea light candle set fire to her lounge in Addlestone.

Baby Caden was found safe and well in the next room more than 24 hours later when worried Mandy, 46, went to check on them.

A week after Kyrie's death Mandy called mobile company 3 to cancel her daughter's contract but was told by call centre staff she would have to pay a £200 fee - which was then reduced to £160.

The company argued the fee would have to be paid because the phone had been taken out in Mandy's name although it was later transferred to her daughter.

Grieving Mandy, who is already struggling after paying out for her daughter's funeral, is now forced to pay the £10-a-month contract until she can raise the £160.

She told The Mirror: "I can't believe a company can be so hard-hearted."

A spokesman for 3 Mobile said: "We've taken this complaint seriously and will review the account."