Shortly after the end of World War 2 in 1945, the Cold war broke out and the world was once again hauled into chaotic disarray. Although it never really started or ended. Some say it started with Hiroshima, and some say it was the Potsdam conference. Although sources say it took place on 12th March 1947 (after WW2) and ended on Christmas Day in 1991. But does the 44 yearlong war still affect us today?


The profound conflicts disrupted the balance of power in several regions across the globe, the ramifications of which continue to influence military and national security policies to this day. Such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) which not only helps to defend the territory of its members, but also engages – where possible and when necessary – to project its values further afield, prevent and manage crises, stabilise post-conflict situations and support reconstruction.


Defences like these have shown a significant decrease in the number of nuclear weapons in the world. This is largely due to the efforts of the United States and Russia to reduce their stockpiles of nuclear weapons.


Some of the many technological feats required for space travel trickled down into everyday life, such as satellite television, bar codes, and joysticks. This resource highlights innovations that arose from the Cold War, demonstrating how this long conflict helped shape today’s world in some positive ways.


And as a result of the war, governments around the world became increasingly focused on security and defence. This led to a shift in political power away from traditional political parties and towards those that were more focused on military and defence issues. Its effects include references of the culture during the war, particularly with themes of espionage and the threat of nuclear warfare. It is generally followed by the categorisation of international relations since 1989 and post-Cold war era to underline its impact.


The allies created the United Nations (UN), a new global organisation for international cooperation and diplomacy. Members of the UN agreed to outlaw wars of aggression to avoid a third world war. Overall, the effects were positive, leaving the world with mutual agreements of peace and order.