A Hounslow tube driver can return to the job he loves after a tribunal awarded him £25,000 compensation for the discrimination he suffered.

Clement Lobo filed claims for sex and race discrimination in July 2005 and unfair dismissal in February this year against London Underground (LU) after a catalogue of incidents during his employment, which culminated in him being sacked in February.

The employment tribunal upheld all his complaints, finding LU had acted unreasonably.

Mr Lobo said: "I am really pleased with the decision of the tribunal.

"I am very much looking forward to re-commencing my career with London Underground and getting back on the Piccadilly line."

Mr Lobo, originally from India, has lived in England since 1963 and worked for LU since May 1989.

The 49-year-old is said to be passionate about driving trains.

In September 2004 Mr Lobo was suspended from work without justification.

He then discovered offensive graffiti had been written about him on the Piccadilly line and put in an official complaint.

No action was taken and more offensive graffiti appeared with a sexual and racial content.

Mr Lobo was suspended again in June 2005 and arrested for an assault on his manager, which he had actually witnessed and reported.

He was not charged with any crime or given any reason for his suspension.

In a ruling last month the tribunal awarded Mr Lobo back pay from his dismissal date and also made an order for reinstatement, which is a very rare thing to do.

Mr Lobo won £20,000 in damages for injury to his feelings and a further £5,000 for aggravated damages in relation to the malicious accusations made against him.

The tribunal also ordered LU to pay Mr Lobo's legal costs because of their "unreasonable and misconceived" conduct during the hearing.

An LU spokesman said: "We are disappointed the tribunal has not ruled in favour of London Underground.

"LU would not have taken action to dismiss Mr Lobo unless it genuinely believed it was the right and proper thing to do.

"We are currently in the process of reviewing our next steps."