A Met Police officer who lived in Enfield is standing trial after allegedly raping a woman at her flat in Loughton.

James Geoghegan, 27, from Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, is accused of raping the woman in the early hours of December 12, 2018, which he denies.

Jurors at Chelmsford Crown Court heard he had decided to sleep at the woman’s flat instead of returning to his home in Enfield, before following the woman into her room “uninvited” as she was undressing.

According to the woman’s friend, who also lived in the flat, she heard someone shouting “stop, stop” in a “panicked” way.

The friend said: “I heard a door shut, I turned around and then (the woman) came out of my bedroom, she wasn’t expecting me to be there.

This Is Local London: Chelmsford Crown Court. Picture: Google Street View.Chelmsford Crown Court. Picture: Google Street View.

“She was crying and looked very upset… she had wrapped herself up in a throw and was hysterically crying.”

She added: “I had never seen her like that before, she was hysterical, she wouldn’t talk even though I asked ‘what’s happened?’ but she didn’t say anything – she was silent.

“She laid on the sofa – to begin with she wouldn’t say anything and I kept asking and she finally said ‘he’s basically just raped me’.”

The woman told her friend that she had asked Geoghegan to “stop” but that he had “not listened”, the court heard.

Geoghegan was then told by the friend to leave the flat but he was confused as to why, jurors were told.

The witness continued: “I threatened to call the police because he was just lying there, I didn’t want him in the flat.

“It was a threat to get him out.”

In a message to the friend after the incident was reported to police, the woman said “I don’t want any of this”, the court heard.

Jurors were also read out WhatsApp messages between Geoghegan and the woman on the day.

In one, the woman told him she would not tell a mutual friend what had happened, to which he replied “you’re too much of a princess”.

She also told him “I’m putting it down to a drunken misjudgement” and “I’m not going to get you in trouble”.

The trial continues.