Is American politics mirroring the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ and following a Gilead way of life? With the introduction of the Heartbeat Bill in Texas, American women are falling victim to the looming threat of their reproductive rights being strfipped away completely. 


On November 3rd 2020 America experienced a national change as Joe Biden was announced as the President. A hope for a new horizon was shared nationwide among American people. However, in recent times, the longterm fight of Anti-Abortion groups if finally being won and woven in to legislation. 


First introduced in Texas, the Heartbeat Bill is a form of legislation that states abortions after a heartbeat is illegal and incriminating. It incriminates the people who perform abortions and the women that recieve them. Eleven states have now passed this bill and the number is growing at a scary pace.


This new bill symbolises the lasting effect of Donald Trump’s America. With a disproportionate amount of the justices (the lawyers who passed the bill) being republican, a fear has now fermented among women globally that we are entering into an increasing amount of constraints from the law. 


Even with the triumphant win of a democratic president, republicans still have a say, in the highest degree, when it comes to American laws. 


At one point the idea of Margaret Atwoods ‘made up’ society becoming real life seemed dramatic and crazy but in 2021 that fate for women seems to be getting closer.