CCF contingents present in more than 500 secondary schools all over the UK provide students a broad range of challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities. Many students are oblivious to the life changing experiences this activity can provide and prevent personal development by choosing not to enrol.


The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a youth organisation in the United Kingdom, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence. Its objectives are to develop students’ powers of leadership, enabling them to become more responsible and perseverant as well as encourage those who have an interest in the services to become Officers of the Regular or Reserve Forces. Students choose from three sections – RAF, Army or navy.


At wilson’s school, students in year 9 are given the opportunity to join either the RAF or the army section. The RAF section of the WSCCF was established in 1964 when the school was situated in Camberwell. Being the less popular of the two, doesn't mean that it is in no way disadvantageous or a time waste – as many students would view it. The RAF air cadets help enrich a wide range of skills - from leadership to shooting and first aid to survival. Furthermore, the section allows cadets to progress through ranks of seniority and allow them to look back at military history and key dates of flying progression. A huge advantage of the RAF section is that cadets are also given the opportunity to develop a love of aviation and also can have a very stable foundation for a career in aerospace engineering.


The passion cadets have developed for this activity is clear, with Wilson’s School CCF’s victory in the Royal Air Squadron Trophy Competition where teams of CCF air cadets across the nation competed.


All CCF members attend the Remembrance Day Parade each year to remember and pay respects to those who have lost their lives as a result of all war. This parade is a major highlight of a Cadet’s experience.


One member of the RAF, Sasank Sai Kumar Bavuluru described his encounter with a member of the public surprising when he was greeted with such respect.  Another team member, Parthasarathi Sahoo, described the aura during the last call as “special”.


Doubtless there is an argument to be made that joining the CCF has multiple positive impacts on your life, allowing you to explore different opportunities and develop new areas of interest. While it can be more enjoyable to spend time on other activities, the clever choice is to invest your time in an enjoyable yet helpful activity such as CCF instead.