Easter comes around every year so it's not unusual to see easter eggs flood the selves before the month of april even comes. But how many easter eggs are sold each year?

The answer is over 80 million boxes of easter eggs.

Easter exists to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ but how did eggs become a prominent symbol for easter?

In some cultures, eggs are seen as a sign of fertility and new life, whilst for some Christians, they used to dye the eggs in different colours to signify different meanings- such as blue (for love), yellow( for resurrection) and red (for Jesus’ blood).

Different activities are traditional to the holiday, such as the egg and spoon race, the decoration of eggs and of course, the easter egg hunts.

The easter egg hunt is said to come from Germany, and there are stories which describe men hiding the eggs for women to find as this represented the discovery of the empty tomb by women.

The legend of the Easter Bunny comes from German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania. Some cultures say the Bunny lays and brings eggs to children so it’s not unusual to leave carrots in baskets for the arrival of the Bunny- (like cookies for Santa) The tradition of Easter will stay strong as rituals and activities are passed down from generation to generation.