Greenwich is set to build a new 15-storey tower block despite councillors airing complaints about the height of the project.

 Eight buildings between six and 15 storeys will be erected in Kidbrooke after councillors signed off the plans.

All 322 council flats are proposed to be under 100 per cent London affordable rent, meaning it should be cheaper for locals.

The plans from Greenwich Builds, the council’s home building programme, met broad approval from the Planning Board, but some hit out at the size of the largest tower block and questioned whether there were enough spaces for families.

Councillor Fletcher, who voted against the proposal, said: “As far as I can see, most of the consultation that’s been done has come back with: 10 storeys would be acceptable, people would welcome that and it would seem reasonable.

"There doesn’t seem to be any consideration of reducing the height of the 15 storeys.”

Cllr Gary Dillon asked whether if it was possible if the five floors on the largest tower block could be “distributed amongst the other buildings”.

A Greenwich Builds representative said in response: “We’ve been given feedback from officers and our own design analysis demonstrated that the 15 storey building is well located in that position.

"But we’re trying to maximise the number of homes within the scheme, and to do that, there has there be a certain amount of homes in a taller building.”

He added that decreasing the size of that building and making the others bigger would result in a scheme “without the diversity of design and diversity of elevation that we’re trying to achieve on the site.”

Cllr Dillon hit back that Greenwich Builds “should be looking at protecting heritage” and that he was “disappointed” residents views were not taken on board.

Cllr John Fahy revealed his misgivings with the makeup of housing in the plan.

Only 30 per cent of the residential units would be designated as “family-sized”, according to council documents, which Cllr Fahy said was “not defensible”.

He added: “In actual fact, the whole purpose of Greenwich Builds is to maximise opportunities for residents to have a decent home.

"You say the site doesn’t lend itself to building four bedroom properties but it does actually, because all you need to do is build less to meet housing need and then find other areas of the borough to build more houses that meet housing needs and take people off the waiting list.”

The Greenwich Builds spokesperson said in response that they had to “make the best use of what we’ve got.”

Rob Michel, an architect with HTA designs who are helping with the project, said he hoped the development would be a “blossoming, leafy and green neighbourhood where people and wildlife alike can feel at home.”

The 322 new homes will be built on what is currently a vacant brownfield site. It is close to Kidbrooke Station and an Aldi supermarket.

The development will be car-free but will include 10 blue badge parking spaces for residents with disabilities.

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