Have you ever heard your parents go on about the olden days (20 years ago) when they reminisce about things we wouldn't understand, e.g only having 3 TV channels, no internet, one landline between 6 and that old chestnut " when we used to arrange to meet people, we made arrangements weeks before and just turned up". 


So what will we say to the next generation about social media today? Will we be aghast at the things we used to post, the public nature of our profiles, the unruly nature of social media itself? Will it be any different and will Elon Musk actually have an effect? It remains to be seen. It would seem inevitable that social media is here to stay and that it will grow. It also would appear that people will probably take a more private approach to their profiles, not wishing for future employers and the rest to have access to your baby photos or images of teenagers nights out. 


Will social media replace TV as our major source of entertainment and if so, will that mean that entertainment is a solitary affair and not the family event it always has been? I, for one, am  already planning my stories to the next generation. Do you remember instagram? You could post on it without approval from anyone. Some people had public accounts for anyone to see. Some people didn't even have social media - your grandfather didn't! 


Time will tell but one thing is for sure, the social media we have today will be very very different from the social media or its replacement for the next generation which may, or may not be a good thing.