A project which uses the power of music to help people combat isolation has been relaunched by an Epping Forest charity.

Set up by Voluntary Action Epping Forest (VAEF), 'A Musical Community' is further funded by Let’s Get Connected and is open to adults aged 18 and over.

The sessions take place from 1pm to 3.30pm on Thursdays at Phoenix Live on the third floor of the Harvey Centre, Harlow, CM20 1XR.

The sessions, which will run for 12 weeks, are free and encourage people to enjoy music and make new friends in a friendly, relaxed and welcoming environment.

Voluntary Action Epping Forest’s Marc Balkham, who is running ‘A Musical Community’, said: “The first round of this project was very well received by people with a love of music who came together to listen to and discuss music. There were also a few mellow jams on percussion instruments.

“We are delighted to have received further funding as a shared love of music is an amazing way to create friendships”.

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VAEF has been operational since 1993 and is a registered independent charity. It’s mission is to work with the people of Epping Forest and Harlow districts to empower, support and develop voluntary and community activity.

The charity develops new initiatives to meet community needs and promotes cooperation between the voluntary and statutory sectors. It offers a range of practical support, including funding advice, help with running voluntary organisations and provides a comprehensive volunteer service to help local people access volunteering.

VAEF also runs a diverse range of community projects supporting the vulnerable community which includes benefits advice to residents who are housebound ensuring they can remain living independently and avoiding future debt. Other services include befriending, handyman, day activities for people with learning disabilities and gardening.

Since the pandemic, VAEF has also been assisting vulnerable residents in Epping Forest with shopping, medication collection and delivery and assisted recruiting volunteers to operate the local vaccination sites.