Two teenagers have been jailed after fatally stabbing a man outside the former Debenhams store.

Hussein Al-Saabri, 23, was fatally stabbed outside the department store in Harrow, on the evening of December 13, 2020.

Rickarlo Williams, 19, of Arundel Drive in Harrow, and Jahni Menzie-Samuels, 19, of Daintry Close, were found guilty on April 28 this year.

This Is Local London: Rickarlo Williams. Credit: Met PoliceRickarlo Williams. Credit: Met Police

Then on July 1 they were sentenced to life imprisonment and must serve a minimum of 25 years and six months.

They also received sentences of 21 years for attempted murder and eight years for causing grievous bodily harm with intent. These sentences will run concurrently.

A murder investigation was launched after Hussein was found critically injured in St Ann’s Road.

This Is Local London: Jahni Menzie-Samuels. Credit: Met PoliceJahni Menzie-Samuels. Credit: Met Police

Two other males – 17 and 19 – were taken to hospital also with stab wounds, but they were discharged following treatment.

Williams and Menzie-Samuels were identified as suspects after an examination of the scene uncovered forensic evidence, including a lock knife and a machete sheath.

Both Williams and Menzie-Samuels were found guilty of the murder, one count of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon. They were both found not guilty of one count of attempted murder.

This Is Local London: Hussein Al-Saabri. Credit: Met PoliceHussein Al-Saabri. Credit: Met Police

Karlene Joseph, Menzie-Samuel’s mother, was found guilty of perverting the course of justice after she provided a false alibi and said her son was at home at the time of the attack.

This Is Local London: Karlene Joseph. Credit: Met PoliceKarlene Joseph. Credit: Met Police

She was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment.

Prosecutor Brian O’Neill QC asserted it was “a planned venture in revenge for a previous incident in which Williams had been mocked and belittled”.

Detective Chief Inspector Claire Hine said: “The level of violence used against all three victims was savage and tragically it cost Hussein his life.

“All our thoughts remain with his family and friends. No jail sentence can bring Hussein back, but I hope this outcome brings some measure of comfort in seeing justice done.”

She added the actions of Williams and Menzie-Samuels were “as cowardly and pathetic as they were inexcusably violent”.