Harrow High School says it has achieved its “best ever” A-level results yet with a record breaking 37% A* grades this year.

Year 13 achieved 62% A* to As, 79% A* to Bs and 92% A* to Cs, with a 100% pass rate.

Students will be progressing to Cambridge, LSE, Kings, Warwick and Queen Mary.

Likewise, the BTEC Level 3 outcome saw similar accomplishments with 81% of grades awarded Distinction* to Distinction, with a 100% pass rate.

This Is Local London: Students at Harrow High SchoolStudents at Harrow High School

Headteacher Paul Gamble said: "We are ecstatic for our learners and are so proud of their fantastic achievements.

“This summer’s exams were the first external assessments most of our learners have ever taken, and they took on the challenge with real determination.

“These results reflect just how hard learners and staff have worked over the last 2 years, and despite all the challenges of the pandemic, they have thrived.

“These are comfortably our best ever results, which is testament to the standards of teaching and learning in our Sixth Form and I would like to publicly thank all the staff at Harrow High who have worked tirelessly for them.”

Bentley Wood High School also says that their results are the best yet, with just under 40% of grades being A* and As.

This Is Local London: Bentley WoodBentley Wood

The school says an exceptionally high number of students gained all A* or A in every subject.

Head teacher Dr Janice Howkins OBE said: “These results are very well deserved. Our girls have worked so hard during a time of worldwide challenge and disruption.

“They did not sit external examinations for GCSE due to the pandemic.

“Their great achievement and resilience is a reflection of the excellent teaching and support from staff and the great care from their families.”

This Is Local London: Bentley WoodBentley Wood

In Hatch End High School, student Yosuf Ali managed to achieve three As in maths, chemistry and biology, despite coming to the country at the age of 12 not knowing English.

He explained he came to the UK from Syria as a refuge, but at Hatch End he was able to build his success and determination and will now study medicine at the University of Southampton.

This Is Local London: Students at Hatch EndStudents at Hatch End