TikTok, a Chinese app mainly used by American and British people, has warned of drugged sweets to be handed out this years Halloween. While this is mostly focused in America, there are also rumours spreading, stating that these will also be used in England, and other parts of Britain, warning people of the "rainbow fentanyl" pills.


These drugged sweets can kill almost instantly, and touching them may cause your skin to become irritated, and most likely a trip to the ER, so you must not touch these sweets if given to you.


People are also warning that these can be disguised in plastic ziplock bags as well as in smarties packets since the two sweets look similar, and also because people generally feel better about Halloween sweets if they are in a familiar packet.


Since last month, there has been numerous videos about the drugged "candies", warning people of its dangers, and while there is no doubt people now take caution, is it necessary to cause panic or is this just a myth?


Well, it is definitely not a myth as this has happened beore in America, though it is very rare to actually get tampered sweets. Many think the warnings provoke unnecessary panic as no one will gain anything from it. However, some hold the belief that the warnings are necessary not for a halloween prank, but to allow caution if a child is given anything from a stranger. This also encourages parents to educate their child from stranger danger, which is essential for a child to learn while growing up.