A police officer who had class A drugs, cannabis plants and police items at his home and previous address has been dismissed.

PC Rasvinder Agalliu, based at the Metropolitan Police's Central West unit, was dismissed without further notice on November 1.

He was found to have breached the standards of professional behaviour in respect of honesty and integrity; discrqeditable conduct; duties and responsibilities and orders and instructions.

Met police officers searched his home address on June 25, 2020, and where class A drugs, paraphernalia and a large quantity of cash were seized.


In October that year, another search warrant was executed at his former address where body armour, handcuffs, uniform and case papers and interview disks relating to his investigation were seized.

Cannabis plants were also found and he was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply class A drugs.

Chief Superintendent Owain Richards, of the Central West Command Unit, said: “This officer’s actions were a gross breach of the trust afforded to them by the people of London.

"PC Agalliu has quite rightly been dismissed and there is no place in the Met for officers who behave in this way.”

PC Agalliu has also been added to the barred list by the College of Policing.

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