Highgate's favourite Dame (oh yes he is) Tim McArthur is releasing another calendar of his best pantomime guises.

Back in 2020, when his annual gig playing the Dame in Hastings was cancelled due to covid, he created a calendar in aid of local charity The Toy Project.

"When we realised no pantos would be happening that Christmas I thought folk might miss the Dame, but they could have one hanging on their kitchen walls all year round," said, McArthur, who is happily back at the White Rock Theatre playing Nanny pastry in Beauty and the Beast.

"This year I sadly didn't release a calendar, but I had lots of emails saying they really missed it, so now it's back for 2023, bigger, bolder, and brighter!"

Featuring twelve shots taken by Ham&High photographer Polly Hancock in Waterlow Park and Lauderdale House, the calendar will once again donate a percentage of sales to the Archway charity which recycles unwanted toys for children who need them.This Is Local London: Tim McArthur in the August page of his 2023 Panto Dame calendarTim McArthur in the August page of his 2023 Panto Dame calendar (Image: Polly Hancock)

Over the years McArthur has worked for the charity, appearing as a Dame to read panto stories to children in the Junction Road shop, and writing and appearing in micro panto The Queen's Laundry, which toured North London Hospitals and Schools to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.

The calendar costs £15 including postage. Email: Thedame2021@gmail.com.