Getting within inches of sleeping lions is a rare treat.

And when it's after hours at London Zoo, the sight of a pair of loved-up big cats feels even more special.

Our encounter with Arya and Bhanu was just the start of our seasonal sleepover at the Regent's Park attraction. 

On a cold winters evening we learned fascinating facts from the keepers on a tour that took in baby porcupines, bush babies, a coral reef, and a Komodo dragon.This Is Local London: The Gir Lion Lodges at London ZooThe Gir Lion Lodges at London Zoo (Image: ZSL)

Not only were the familiar paths dusted with festive frost, but the Zoo was gaily decorated for the holidays with illuminated animal figures and even a giant gingerbread house.

That included the wooden lodges in the Land of the Lions where we settled in - and got a surprise visit from Santa. A quick glass of prosecco and apple juice for the kids, and we were learning all about the difference between Asiatic and African lions - and how Arya arrived 18 months ago as part of a hoped-for breeding programme.This Is Local London: Bhanu and Arya asleepBhanu and Arya asleep (Image: Bridget Galton)

Fortunately she's hit it off with Bhanu, who tends to vocalise in the early mornings. You really can wake up to the sound of his rumbling roars and wonder, for a second, where you are.

We stuffed cereal boxes with treats for the porcupines, then watched as they dashed from their lair and dragged them back into the warm. 

Our own feed was a tasty two course meal in the restaurant, which fortified us for a late tour to the nocturnal animals in Rainforest Life.This Is Local London: The animals enjoying a frosty morningThe animals enjoying a frosty morning (Image: Bridget Galton)

The children were in their element as they vyed to spot huge-eyed bush babies, naked mole rats and Slender Loris. Later in the Tiny Giants exhibit we found stick insects, hairy kneed spiders, and a tank of coral. For animal-crazy kids it's a joy to be able to ask as many questions as they like - and get an interesting reply.

Underneath the old Elephant house we made some enrichment for the Coatis - stuffing cubes of sweet potato into rubber holey balls, and spraying perfume on boxes - checking out the fridges full of food for the animals and chalk boards with their favourite treats. This Is Local London: The tigers enjoy a morning stroll at London ZooThe tigers enjoy a morning stroll at London Zoo (Image: Bridget Galton)

Then it was time to turn into our toasty warm lodge. Understandably you aren't allowed to wander out of the compound at night, but when the gate was opened in the morning, the children shot off to see Bhanu pacing his enclosure. Then it was off for a hearty breakfast, walking past animals who were up and munching their way through theirs.

The bactrian camels and llamas were slowly chewing from nets, the tigers bringing out their cubs for a morning gambol, and showboating gibbon Jimmy was glad to see his first visitors of the day.This Is Local London: Galapagos TortoisesGalapagos Tortoises (Image: Bridget Galton)

The experience ended with the giant Galapagos tortoises and penguins who didn't seem to mind the freezing temperature.

The experience includes two full days at London Zoo or its sister site Whipsnade in Bedfordshire so you can visit all the animals you didn't catch earlier and go home with unforgettable memories.

Book a stay in one of the nine Gir Lion Lodges at The Magic of Christmas runs at London Zoo runs until January 3 with themed animal talks, crafts, marshmallow roasting.