A year nine student from Thamesmead has released his first ever song in honour of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta disease.

Ruky-Star was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta – more commonly known as brittle bone disease – which is a genetic disease in which bones break easily.

He has undergone several surgeries as a result of his condition, including a major spinal surgery which kept him away from his school, the Woolwich Polytechnic School for boys, just last year.

In honour of his disease, and other children who may be suffering with the same, Ruky has released his debut single Watch Me Now.

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Ruky-Star told the News Shopper: “I first decided I wanted to produce a song last month, and it took me three days to write it.

“The song is about me and my journey with Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

“I wanted people who are similar to me to connect with the song”.

With inspirations from UK rapper and Youtuber KSI, Watch Me Now was recorded in a music studio in Bermondsey, and the superstar collaborated with his younger sister R-F4ith.

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“It was a great experience working in a studio” Ruky says, as him, his mum and his sister selected the best beat that fit the lyrics to his song.

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Ruky-Star added: “We tested out lyrics with the beat and headed back to the studio three times, which was where we recorded the vocals.

“Last week my school played the song to the assembly hall, and everyone gave me a round of applause.

“Someone at school even asked me for my autograph.”

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Ruky’s mum, Ufuoma Anighoro said: “Ruky was raised with music and my friends would (jokingly) ask him to sing a song, and he would respond ‘Oh, I am retired now.’

“The ability for my children to express themselves is amazing, and Ruky is really speaking his mind in the song.

“I have shared the song with the Osteogenesis Imperfecta community, and they are so pleased to hear it.

“I listen to the song, and I can’t believe it; I am so proud of him.”

Ufuoma says Ruky’s school has been supportive throughout the experience, as they are aware of the extent of surgeries Ruky has undergone over the past two years.

She added: “The school knows that Ruky is a really determined boy.

“He is so focused; the teachers told me how proud of the effort he has been putting in since returning to school.”

Watch me now is available to download on all music streaming platforms now.