In recent years the Mandela effect has been become more popular on internet. It is a phenomenon where people incorrectly remember something the same way. The Mandela effect got its name after people began remembering that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980’s, when he really died in 2013. 


Some people believe this is caused because our memory is quite malleable, that what others say can cause you to misremember things or events. The Mandela effect is a form of false memories, where people have a distorted recollection of a certain event, memory, or object. The internet may also have had a significant effect on the concept of the Mandela effect and its popularity. The internet is a vehicle for spreading a false narrative that influences people’s memories.


The Most Popular Mandela Effects


Monopoly Man- it is a common misconception that the man in the monopoly game has a monocle, however he is monocle free!


The Empire Strikes Back- in the iconic 1980’s film, the most famous phrase is probably ‘Luke, I am your father’. However, that’s not quite how the line goes. Darth Vader really says ‘No, I am your father’.


Pikachu- Arguably the most famous Pokémon, Pikachu is recognisable for his bright yellow fur and zig-zag tail. And although there is black on Pikachu’s ears, the end of his tail is just as yellow as the rest of him, contradictory to the belief that his tail has black on it.


Fruit of the Loom Logo- If you were to describe the fruit of the loom logo, you may say it has a few fruits, like some grapes, some may add that it has a cornucopia behind it. However, this cornucopia does not exist and never has. 


Mickey Mouse- Do mice have a tail? The obvious answer yes. Does mickey mouse have a tail? This question may be less obvious. Some believe this iconic character has never had a tail, nevertheless he does have one, and always has, just like every other mouse.