A man from Anerley pulled out a bayonet after a five-year feud with a takeaway restaurant owner, a court has heard. 

Barry Attwood, 51, appeared at the Old Bailey on Friday (August 11) after he pleaded guilty to affray and possession of a knuckle duster and a silver sword. 

Attwood's garden backed on to Tasty Flavours Caribbean restaurant on Anerley Road.

He claims there had been animosity with the restaurant owner for five years as food waste had been blocking a drain and causing a stench. 

Matters came to a head on March 21 when work was being done on Tasty Flavours' roof and Attwood claimed food waste and other debris was thrown into his garden. 

This Is Local London: Attwood threatened a roofer and the restaurant ownerAttwood threatened a roofer and the restaurant owner (Image: Street View)

Prosecutor Ann Abel explained that at around midday Attwood went to the restaurant and said “black c**t, get off the roof”. 

He then lifted his hand, showing the restaurant owner a knuckle duster or a chain wrapped around his wrist, and said “I will f**k you up”. 

A few minutes later Attwood returned and walked up to the roofer, pulled out a bayonet or long silver sword, and threatened him with it. 

When he was arrested Attwood told police: “All I’ve done is stick up for myself.” 

Attwood soon began to claim that the sword was just a toy wrapped in tin foil, though later he admitted that it was a bayonet. 

Defending Attwood, Samantha Giffin said: “It’s with great shame and regret that this man comes to court in relation to these offences.” 

Ms Giffin explained that her client had been struggling with his mental health and his garden had been his place of “peace and tranquillity”. 

She said her client aspires to work in the care profession and is determined to manage his anger better. 

“In my submission, Mr Attwood is a good man, with aspirations and ambitions but has had difficult circumstances,” Ms Giffin said. 

This Is Local London: Barry AttwoodBarry Attwood (Image: Met Police)

Judge Rebecca Trowler KC gave Attwood a 14-month prison sentence suspended for two years. 

He was ordered to attend 25 days of rehabiliation and banned him from going within five metres of Tasty Flavours for six months.