The UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) Track Champions League semi-final was held at the Lee Valley velo park in London on Friday 10th November 2023. 4 types of races were competed: elimination, keirin, scratch and sprint in both men and women’s leagues. Previous qualifying rounds were held in October and November in Mallorca, Berlin and France, with the semi-final and finals both taking place in London at the spectacular 2012 Olympic velodrome.

A full capacity crowd cheered on the cyclists, creating an electric atmosphere full of excited and nervous tension. In between races a light show, dance camera and celebrity look-a-like finder kept crowd spirits high which made the overall experience thrilling to be a part of. The races were high energy with the cyclists riding so fast that one of the athlete’s heart rate reached 206 BPM.

The elimination race was won by William Tidball (GB) and Katie Archibald (GB); a 20 lap race where every 2 laps the last cyclist over the line is eliminated, thereby generating high energy. The keirin was won by Kevin Santiago Quintero Chavarro (COL) and Martha Bayona Pineda (COL) this unusual 8 lap race is started by a pace making motorbike. The scratch, won by Roy Eefting-Bloem (NED) and Danielle Khan (GB), is a 20 lap endurance race. Lastly, the sprint was won by Harrie Lavreysen (NED) and Alessa-Catriona Propster (GER) where 3 cyclists, starting with a cat and mouse tense start, sprint for 3 laps.

A spectator commented ‘This was my first time watching a cycling event in a velodrome and it won’t be my last. The buzzing atmosphere, the fast-paced races and the skilful athletes were incredible to watch’.

With the high speeds of the cyclists riding the steep track, the positive reaction from spectators and the tension of who will go over the finish line first, the atmosphere created in the velodrome was lively and action-packed. Watching cycling in a velodrome is a must!