Music has evolved over the years. At various times and for various reasons, contemporary styles and features have been developed. Over time, composers have written music for public performances and have also produced works that represent national beauty or major world events, such as wars. The wealthy and upper classes were often associated with classical music, especially throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. This is because classical music composition and performance needed a lot of education and training, as well as money to buy and maintain instruments and attend concerts. As a result, people also created folk music, comprising of different sounds, which reflected people’s way of life and it is responsible for many beats and rhythms that are currently used in hip hop and many other genres. If folk music had not been created, then we would not have the music we have today.

Music creates social cohesion, it speaks to all when words can fail, and wherever you go in the world, it is understood. Music is a universal gift and its power to connect people is without question. It is an art form with human interaction at its centre. Music stimulates the brain which in turn helps with pain relief, reducing stress and memory. Music has the ability to bring people together by the instruments they play, a shared interest in a particular style of music. Who doesn’t enjoy the thrilling sounds of a great orchestral crescendo?

In a digital age where many services and products are instantly available with the click of a button, learning a musical instrument provides a platform for people to achieve through discipline and perseverance. There are many skills required in order to learn how to play a musical instrument: technique; reading music; expression; listening; and as you continue to perfect these skills, you build resilience. These are not only skills required to learn music but important life skills that can also be used in employment and your wider social life. It provides an opportunity for people from all social and cultural backgrounds to express themselves.

In the world we live in today, music is a wide field that has several purposes and we can all benefit from this art.