Finance is a huge job sector in the world. It is the hub for all of our money related activities, so it plays a pivotal role in society. The Wall Street in New York, USA is one of the hubs of finance in the world, boasting the home of the New York Stock Exchange. Many people may want to go into the financial sector, but the market is colossal and uncertain and so they may want to know more about finance and what it brings for them.

On Tuesday, our school held a Financial Careers Fair for pupils and parents. The fair aimed to give the people who attended a feel of what financial careers are available to do in the world, and what experiences you can gain from working in the sector.

The fair consisted of high positioned people in global as well as smaller companies, most of whom had studied from our school in the past, who talked to anyone who wanted to talk to them, so that listeners could gain knowledge from real people instead of just learning from a textbook. There were also presentations held on topics like Investment Banking and other fascinating concepts in the world of finance.

I got to talk to some people at the fair, such as Anton Nyman from BNP Paribas, who told me about what he does in his job and how AI has impacted the finance sector. I also talked to a person who had studied Experimental Psychology at university and how he made a company that focused on insurance. I also met a person called Mark Bassett, and listened to how he travelled as part of his job. He also had some books on display that he had recommended, and even one that he co-authored.

Overall the fair to be great at answering my questions about finance, as well as giving an insight on how it actually works. It was aimed to also help to make careers choices, and it did a very good job at that. Many people attended, and the event as a whole was a success.