In society, religion is a significant part of life; a community that brings culture, tradition, and moral beliefs to people. Religion is diverse, not only in the sense that there are many religions but also due to the fact that different religions have various beliefs. For example, Christians believe in the Trinity, Muslims believe in Allah and Hindus believe in multiple Gods, but in every religion, the morality is identical; to treat people with love and respect, and not spread resentment. 

Religion is a simple subject with complicated controversies. There are disputes and varied opinions on worldviews, but also disparate thoughts about things like unfound beliefs within a religion. This is an excessive belief that is considered as a sign of the imminent, however, it can be argued that these beliefs give people hope and strength in challenging times, as they may perform better in a situation if they trust luck is on their side.

There is also another aspect to religion. People may use religion to influence and manipulate others through the innocence of people wrongly. Religion is also unfairly used as an excuse to behave in a certain way, and it can even be used as a reason to sympathise with someone who disobeys the law or violates the terms of society. It is unfortunate that some people misuse religion to cause terror to achieve political and financial power by causing intentional violence to righteous people.

On the positive side, religion consists of celebration and community, it brings people together through festivals or religious events. It can give people a sense of aspiration in life, and it can even make people become better individuals. In every prominent religion, there is a place of worship and a holy book. All these holy books may differ, however, they share the same ideology, which is to love and show generosity to each other despite a person’s race or religion. ‘You may all love each other without prejudice.’ AV 3.30.1-Vedas. ‘And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive...'[76:8]-Quran. ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31-Bible. 

Religion is an eminent way of expressing beliefs, and while there is a division in the different faiths, all religions support humanity, and they all consider being loving and compassionate as a fundamental principle.