Along the river in Sunbury-on-Thames, there is a range of wildlife to observe and admire. From ducks and swans to robins. Whether you are a bird enthusiast or just enjoying the view, there is plenty of sights to see and quacks to hear. 

Wildlife can be the one beautiful thing that we all can enjoy. However, at times it is not cared for enough. Due to the lack of maintenance and care, many are dying out. Pollution, agriculture and climate change are some of the many problems that can affect our wildlife. A lot of these issues could be solved through education and action. By learning about what affects our wildlife and how to stop it by reducing pollution, adding bird feeders (feeding wildlife the correct foods) and joining wider communities to take part in community action plans.  

After speaking to residents of Sunbury-on-Thames, overall, they enjoy living with the wildlife along the river. “I love having my morning coffee, watching the birds swim along the river.” says resident, Ana Hughes. 

You can also help your local wildlife by donating to charity or volunteering for a charity, who are specialised to help the areas around you.  

The next time you are enjoying your coffee in the morning watching the wildlife around you, think about how you can help them and the environment around you that you both co-exist in. Lots of small actions can create a huge difference over time. Whether it's adding a bird feeder in your garden, cleaning up your rubbish or volunteering for a charity, it all helps to create a positive change for not only us but the wildlife living around us.