In the bustling world of entertainment, where high-tech productions and dazzling visuals often take centre stage, there is a charming and intimate experience that captivates audiences in a more subtle way - Musicals by Candlelight. In the central sector of Covent Garden, Icon Strings, a group made up of 4 award winning musicians, can be found playing in the beautiful St Paul's Church. From £15, you can experience some of your favourite songs from iconic musicals, such as 9-5 by Dolly Parton, and Rewrite the Stars from a family favourite, The Greatest Showman. The skill of the performers is truly amazing and an experience that is 100% worth the money.

LondonTheatre1 described the performance as ‘a good variety of upbeat and majestic melodies’ and this is completely true. From the soulful melody of ‘Don’t Cry for Me Argentina’, which led to tears being shed from many audience members, to ‘Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!’, from the iconic musical, Mamma Mia. Icon Strings amazed everyone with their skilful playing of the violin and cello, as well as their incredible stage presence. The intimacy of these performances allows the audience to connect with the actors on a more personal level. Facial expressions, subtle nuances, and the raw emotion of the performers become the focal point, creating a sense of connection that is often lost in larger, more elaborate productions. 

Covent Garden has been the home to St Paul's Church for over 300 years, and during Musicals by Candlelight, it is lit up by hundreds of shining candles, creating a magical atmosphere. The large hall has unique stained glass windows, and before your musical evening, you can take a stroll in the beautiful gardens, and relax under the stars.

Do you fancy spending an evening with your loved ones being entertained by talented musicians? As Christmas edges closer, it is the perfect time to bring your family closer together with the spirit of music. Musicals by Candlelight stand as a perfect testament to the enduring power of simplicity and authenticity. Visit the Apple Market, choose Christmas presents, and finish the perfect day off, with amazing music for all.