The Parmiter’s PE Department is proud to provide a vast array of sports for both inside and outside the PE / games curriculum. However, KS4 onwards presents students the chance to not just utilise their passion for sport but to volunteer for the lower school. 

From the ‘Leadership Skills Foundation’ organisation, Year 10s are introduced to the Sports Leadership programme. This is a course that enables students to prepare, lead and evaluate a one-hour session in their chosen sport / physical activity to others (in this case, Year 7s); this session will include engaging, inclusive and safe activities, catering for those who enjoy the competitive side of sports and for those who want to have fun. This experience also provides transferable skills for young people. To name a few: teamwork; resilience; problem-solving; and self-management. All that is required in return is a readiness to get involved.

I have really enjoyed taking part in this programme!” said Rachel Fenn (a Year 10 student who is currently undertaking the programme). “It has opened my eyes to a different side of PE, where we see ideas when planning a typical session in a sport of your choice, as well as hone various skills. I look forward to leading my session to the Year 7s.” I absolutely agree with Rachel. No matter your sporting ability, this programme allows you to use the power of sports to demonstrate key personal skills that are going to be so valuable in the future. 

Another thing Parmiter’s offers alongside this is their very own Leadership Academy, where a group of Year 10s organise numerous activities for younger year groups; from a fun run to a multi-sports event. Dylan Mynett was one of those students who helped out so I was curious to hear what his thoughts were: “I have found the Leadership Academy very enjoyable. You can get involved in various roles across a range of sporting activities from leading warm-ups to officiating matches, and you never know what to expect. Seeing how much fun the younger students are having makes it all worthwhile!

General leadership can be overlooked within society but it is such a valuable skill that allows young people in particular to stimulate their peers. Overall, volunteering in sports is an indispensable way to ensure that others (no matter their age or ability) can have fun whilst staying active. That really does make a difference! Many thanks to the PE teachers at Parmiter’s for providing this opportunity.