ChatGPT - Is it a blessing or a curse? Undoubtedly, it can be seen as improving accessibility to learning and personalising education. However, misinformation and a lack of academic foundation can cause issues for students using this AI technology.

Chatbots are no stranger to the internet. However, with frequent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies, their popularity only increases. A recently favoured chatbot, named ChatGPT, has been able to provide essential information through its ability to understand human language.

Most often used by students, ChatGPT’s strength lies in its time-saving nature, diminishing forms of stress upon pupils. By producing a myriad of original content, it streamlines the burden of schoolwork and helps those who are struggling. 

Although, by using this chatbot for more than is necessary, it creates an over-reliance from students who can no longer take sole credit for their work. This then fosters a decrease in young peoples’ critical reasoning, creativity and independent thought. 

Therefore, ChatGPT can be viewed as both a blessing and a curse. This is because while it alleviates certain pressures on students, especially in higher education, AI technologies cannot replace human experience and conscience.