In the increasingly digitally focused age we live in, many people rightfully or wrongfully may neglect frequently reading books. The question remains whether that is really a problem or if we are simply adapting to changing times. 

Part of what makes reading such a valuable pursuit is that it can encompass a vast range of topics, genres and formats. The breadth of what we are able to read means there is something which will interest the majority of people, and enables us to find out information about a variety of topics.

Reading is also an activity which can be enjoyed in many capacities. On the one hand it can be used simply for leisure, as relaxation and entertainment, and as something used to take our mind off the world and escape to another reality. It can be a great way to wind down after a long day or to take a break from work. On the other hand reading can also be enjoyed in an academic capacity as literature can be analysed and explored in great depth and detail. This can enable us to glean a greater understanding of language and history, and help us to better understand the world we live in.

What's more there are a plethora of formats and genres to be explored, from classic literature to contemporary fiction, autobiographies and non-fiction works. This wide range of topics and categories of books mean we are able to consume a great variety of different books covering many topics and ideas. In addition it is becoming increasingly easy to consume literature, through the rise of formats such as online books, which allow us to read more easily on the go.

Reading can have great benefits, increasing the breadth of our knowledge and vocabulary, and is an important hobby not to be lost amongst the rise of technology.