On the 6th December 2023, there is going to be a sponsored charity walk taking place on the epsom downs for the NSPCC children’s in need charity. 


Members of Epsom College are taking part in this walk to raise money to help support young people who find themselves in unfortunate situations. They will be walking 5 miles around the epsom downs and ask for no more than a few pounds to help raise money for this important organisation. This is a great opportunity to help create a happy memory at Christmas for children who may be less fortunate than yourself. 


One of the people walking on the 6th said to me that “it is a great way to get involved in the community and help those struggling this Christmas”



Over half a million children a year suffer abuse in the UK according to the NSPCC website, so fundraisers like this are vital to raising money to support children who may find themselves in situations like this or suffering from abuse. On the NSPCC website it says that the “Total number of children involved in Helpline referrals about abuse and neglect in 2021/22 was 22,505. Of the 22,505 children in referrals, 15,512 (69%) were children aged nine and under.” Statistics like this show the true horrors that children in the UK face each year and prove why even just a couple of pounds, even though it may not seem like a lot, does truly matter in the grand scheme of things.