On the fourth of November, the whole sky was lit up in Berrylands with beautiful and extraordinary fireworks to celebrate Bonfire Night.

Despite the cold weather, families and friends were spotted gathering along Stirling Walk, wearing their hats, gloves and coats, eagerly awaiting the show. At half past eight, the first fireworks burst into the sky, signalling that the show had started. Families with small children cheered and gasped, and others silently watched the sky in awe. The fireworks were of all kinds of shapes and sizes, and it was spectacular. Soon enough, the sky was painted with colours such as red, blue, green, and even gold. Many people took out their phones and cameras to capture this magical moment, and as the show went on, more and more people came to take a look too.

Bonfire Night was originally celebrated to pay tribute to Guy Fawkes, who was executed for plotting to blow up the government using gunpowder in 1606. Now, it’s just a fun festival where families would spend time together watching fireworks or have their own fireworks show in their back gardens. This year in Berrylands, the fireworks display was very popular and nearly the whole neighbourhood went to watch it. This show was organized and led by the Berrylands Scout Group, who had put in a lot of effort and time to create this beautiful show. Every year, they would arrange a fireworks show in Berrylands. People had been anticipating it for weeks, as the event was announced through posters and social media, and there was a lot of excitement from neighbours.

As the last few fireworks burst into the sky, everybody clapped and cheered. It was a fun evening for everyone. The fireworks display was not just a celebration of lights but also an important moment to bring a sense of togetherness to the Berrylands community.