Did you know that the UK was found to be home to approximately 5.2 million pigs in 2022 which equates to roughly one pig per 12 million people (about the population of Wales and London combined).


Aside from discussions around meat, we never really talk about pigs much do we? Can you remember the last time you had a solid conversation about pigs? Well, Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR) are hoping this can be changed as they have started a fundraising campaign which is called ‘The Great Pig Project’ (though all proceeds will go towards other animals aswell).


This project is a fundraiser to raise money for the building of brand new enclosures for their pigs, goats and horses to give them a safe and warm home. SCAR is home to almost 40 pig, 5 goats and several horses though they have had to stop taking in new animals due to the fact that the current closures are ‘beyond repair and desperately need replacing’ according to their website. 


Will you be part of the change and help these innocent animals move forward to a life of good health and safety? The Go Fund Me page for their very special cause can be found at; ‘https://www.gofundme.com/f/scar-pig-project’.