This is a highly disputed topic as everyone celebrates Christmas their own way, but surely, we can find a time when it is best to set up Christmas decorations.


The logical approach:


   As Christmas is a very popular holiday to celebrate, especially in a country like Britain, where the most predominant religion is Christianity, there is a lot of demand for Christmas decorations, such as trees and lights. This means that people often go to buy these items in November, so that they don’t end up struggling to find a good set of ornaments and a suitable tree for their home. Once you have all your necessary items, you will end up having to put them somewhere and it will take up loads of space, therefore it is easier to just put up your adornments, rather than procrastinating it till December, right?


The traditional/advent-based approach:


   By tradition, you are supposed to start preparing for Christmas on the beginning of advent. Advent is the 3 – 4 week period before Christmas day (Jesus’ birth) and starts of the 4th Sunday before Christmas. Some people believe that by putting up Christmas decorations earlier or later than the start of advent, you will bring bad luck to your home.


The simple approach:


   This is just setting up your ornaments at the beginning of December. I do this as I believe that it is a sensible time to start decorating, while still buying all the decorations in November, in the Black Friday deals, to make sure that you don’t have to struggle to find enough adornments, while getting discounts on the products too.


The psychological approach:


   Once again, here is a reason to prepare early for Christmas. I doubt many people actually think of this as the reason why they might set up for Christmas early, but it is a good argument to always have. Psychologist Deborah Serani stated that decorating for Christmas early, does in fact have a positive effect on your emotions. “Christmas decorating will spike dopamine”* and this is partly because of the bright lights and colours. These lights will be on for longer if you set up for Christmas early, and in turn, lift your mood for a longer duration. This is known as colour therapy.


The money-saving approach:


   Black Friday deals are around the end of November, meaning that you can buy Christmas decorations near Christmas time and get it on a discount. From then you can set up your Christmas tree and ornaments nearing the middle of December so that you don’t need to turn on lights early, and you will be saving your electricity and you will lower your electricity bill.


   These various ideas on when to start decorating for Christmas and why, bring a lot of discussion to this topic, especially around this time of year. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, it is all up to you.


*This quote is from