I’m sure if asked what children these days are interested in, there are some who would reply with answers like social media or watching television; and whilst I don’t mean to say that this isn’t true for some children, there are many more things that kids these days are interested in. I spoke to some of the students of a school in Kingston Upon Thames to find out what these things are, and why they find them interesting. 


Although I received a wide range of interests that were shared and enjoyed by these students, some in particular that frequently appeared amongst the results include: mythology, reading, true crime, F1, cooking, and drawing. Now the only question to be asked, is what is it that makes these things interesting in the eyes of the younger population? One student in particular, Shanmaya Yarreddu, who enjoys drawing and doing “artsy stuff” as well as researching true crime, told me that “They allow [her] to be creative”, which she believes is important because often students can feel as though they are under a lot of pressure and stress, and creative things can “relieve some of that stress”, which means she can work harder on other projects. 


Another student, whose interests are more centered around the sport, Formula 1, stated that she believes it helps her work because it allows her “to have something that [she] can aim for, which gives [her] more of a reason to study hard.”


The importance of having interests cannot be forgotten, and it’s important for children to develop these interests so that they can feel more comfortable with doing important work. However, it’s also important to remember that social media and watching television are also valid interests which can help the younger population to express themselves more easily.