Yoga originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and its aim is ultimate physical health and mental stability. Yoga is a form of exercise which creates harmony and balance within the body through strength exercises. Each pose is claimed to have individual physical and emotional benefits to create an overall sense of wellbeing.


For many people yoga is a mind and body practice that can build strength and flexibility. Additionally, it can also help manage pain and reduce stress, there are multiple styles of yoga combining different postures and breathing techniques.


On a literal level it will help enhance your physical strength, stamina, coordination, and focus. However, it will also help develop concentration, determination, and patience. Yoga is the perfect exercise for people looking to increase fitness in a more relaxing manner.


You can begin learning yoga by taking beginner classes at yoga studios. Although you can always start by practicing at home, watching videos online, reading books or finding classes. Yoga is a good form of exercise which can be practised almost anywhere, without an instructor. Beginner classes are a great way to try a range of styles of yoga and discover which one you prefer.