For over a decade, there has been a review-smashing, all-encompassing show aired from overseas - Attack on Titan. Millions upon millions have borne witness to the critically appraised series, and on just the 5th November it climaxed in an 80 minute special. As the series ascends into the TV-show hall of fame, let’s take a look back into the show that is still ranked #1 on IMDB in popularity as of today (16th November) after 10 years since first airing, and see how it may well be the perfect show for you.


Based off the Japanese manga (comic) series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama - which has sold over 140 million copies worldwide - the story of a young boy enthralled by life and danger outside the walls of his home settlement takes scintillating twists and turns and progresses to pose much deeper and darker questions to both viewer and character. Through the eyes of Eren Yeager, as he grows and comes to terms with the secrets of his world, the mystery of the lumbering “titans” that lurk outside the walls and even himself, the writing and characterisation and setting and every aspect of it is, in the eyes of critics and viewers alike, perfect. 


The grand climax of this epic after over a decade of its first air premiered at the start of this month, on the 5th. Fans expressed their sadness at the ending of such a prolific and popular show, but alas the final chapters of the manga had been adapted by Studio MAPPA in Japan and there is to be no more of Attack on Titan. And so it leads to the big question - will you investigate this critically acclaimed, 9.1/10 on IMDB, 95% on Rotten Tomatoes, jewel of a show?


For many the animated nature is an immediate no-go, thinking it to be childish - but I ask you, is playing on themes of war and self-sacrifice classed as childish? With originally Japanese but also astounding English voice acting, snippets and lines from Attack on Titan have circulated social media for years; perhaps you may have heard one without even knowing. A spectacle of such prestige deserves at least an attempt at watching, in my books, and can be found on official websites such as Crunchyroll. And so, will you ‘devote your heart’ to enjoying Attack on Titan?