On Wednesday the 29th of November at 1:30, St Johns Leatherhead launched their very first meeting for their brand new student led amnesty group! Although small, this group aims to work alongside Amnesty International to spread awareness and make some big changes through fundraisers and events based around human rights.

Having only launched on Wednesday, the group are already preparing for an exciting Christmas themed bake sale to gain more recognition within the school and to raise some money. The money raised will go towards supporting Amnesty International and the causes that they have chosen to support.

As of Wednesday, there are six members, however, all six of these students are incredibly passionate about human rights and are very active within their local communities; from attending large scale peace marches to fundraising for causes that they believe in. They are so eager that they have already begun to wear their Amnesty International badges on their blazers with pride!

St Johns Leatherhead offer a wide range of opportunities for the students to spread awareness of their causes such as the school politics podcast ‘Politicized’, available on Spotify; the school’s politics magazine, The Eagle; school assemblies and so many more! This new student led group is sure to be a wonderful addition to the St Johns Leatherhead extracurricular schedule.

Personally, I am incredibly excited to see this humble student group fundraise and campaign for human rights and fuel their shrewd passion for justice, and you should be too!