Over the last month at the Tiffin Girls' School, the Year 10 students have had the opportunity to take part in the school's drama club, to gain confidence and leadership qualities as well as teach drama skills to Year 7 students at TGS. 

This was an exciting opportunity for many, but this club is not only for the students at the school. 

Drama club is a part of the Community Outreach scheme at TGS, which means it is aimed to help the students give back to the community in a variety of ways. In this case, the groups will be performing their production at an old folk's centre in a few weeks and it is certain that the kids as well as the Year 10 students are looking forward to it!

Community Outreach is a vital part of the school's tradition, and it successfully creates ties between the school and the community around it. One of the most recent outreach schemes was the Year 10s teaching numeracy and literacy to primary school students. This was a valuable experience for me and the rest of the year's group

It was wonderful to establish a connection with the community in Kingston in this way - Elaina Jobin, student at TGS

During the past few weeks at the drama club, the groups have been working on their respective performances, creating scripts, devising scenes, and working with the Year 10 students as their directors. They have made immense progress and continued to add to their once-in-a-lifetime experiences here at TGS. The Year 10s especially have been having unique experiences throughout these few weeks.

This opportunity to direct is something I've always wanted to try, and it's so much fun to work with the kids in Year 7 - Cecily Cleave, student at TGS

It's been challenging me to improve my leadership skills and help passionate young actors - Aoibhe Murphy, student at TGS

Now, as we approach the season of gift-giving and gratitude, why not do your bit and reach out to your community? Share your passion with others as the Year 10 drama students have! Gain experiences of a lifetime.