The stage was dimly lit and the smoke was billowing as the crowd waited with bated breath for constellations, the most recent Kingston Grammar School production, performed between the 23rd and 25th of November. The play follows two main characters, Marianne and Roland throughout different universes, exploring string theory and the multiverse, and each of their decisions how they impact their lives ever so slightly, concluding with the passing of Marianne from assisted suicide after a tumour. 


While many viewers of the play agreed “the acting was spectacular” and many actors had an incredible “emotional portrayal” of the characters, it was also thought that the play was quite “convoluted” and “hard to follow” due to the complex plot and jumps between the different universes. Since the play covers quite complex and emotive issues, like Maryanne’s tumour, and the cheating that takes place across the different universes by both Maryanne and Roland, the actors were very professional and sincere, often shocking the audience with outbursts of spectacular emotion in the fights, or incredible shows of the deep sorrow involved in Maryanne’s death. 


Another astonishing aspect of the play was the fabulous set, which consisted of  blue lighting and smoke effects, with a centrepiece of thousands of tiny ribbons hanging delicately from the ceiling, as well as balloons and lanterns, creating a very atmospheric setting for the play. Overall the play was a wonderful array of emotion and atmosphere, with amazing acting and gorgeous set design, and despite the complex plot, was a must-see event in Kingston!