As Christmas approaches, shoppers are out 24/7 looking for the best deals during the costly period. But many awaited one weekend in particular, and have come out incredibly disappointed.

Black Friday weekend is a huge global event in which thousands of retailers offer huge discounts on all types of products. England is known for having some of the biggest Black Friday sales around the globe so many residents await patiently for the conveniently timed event. 

However, many felt huge disappointment in the deals offered this year. Following a cost of living crisis, many saw this as a relieving moment, and a way to make some good purchases for a great price. But the deals seem to be very different from what they once were.  One of those disappointed was Christine Smith who said:

 'You used to see 60, 70% off, sometimes more. People rushing around shops grabbing what they can. Now it's nothing like it used to be. Everything is online and even then the discounts on Black Friday are no different to what they are normally. It's definitely lost its specialty.' 

Has the increase in online shopping ruined Black Friday, or can retailers simply not afford to lose when it comes to the huge discounts?