Often find yourself scrolling endlessly instead of revising? With exams just around the corner it is important to stay motivated to complete your revision, and keep in mind the end goal.


1] Create a revision timetable

This is important as it makes it easy for you to break up your revision into manageable chunks. It helps you to schedule and stick to the amount and type of revision that you need to do. You can also add your exams into the timetable and tick them off as you go, which can help make it feel more manageable and keep you focused on the end goal.


2)Take regular breaks

When you feel that you have completed a revision task reward yourself with a break this helps you to stay productive and keep you in the right headspace. You could use the Pomodoro technique by revising for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. The best breaks to have are: making a healthy snack, light exercise or a quick stretch like a walk. Try to avoid going on your phone as this can cause distractions and doesn’t allow you to stretch your neck from your hunched working posture.


3)Plan things to look forward to.

Planning thing to do once you’ve finished your revision or exams can help you to feel more motivated to complete your tasks. Meeting up with friends or going for a day out are all good ways to give yourself a break and motivate you to complete tasks.


4)Mix up your revision 

Mixing up revision techniques and subjects helps to avoid getting bored and keeps you motivated. Doing revision activities that require different levels of energy means that you can adapt your work depending on how you are feeling. Low effort revision techniques are good for when you are tired after a day at school, these can include videos, quizzes or recall practice like Cognito. High effort activities like writing an essay or doing a practice paper are great revision techniques and are good to complete on the weekends or when you have more time. Making sure that you get the appropriate balance of revision time to each subject will help you to succeed in your exams.


5)Manage distractions 

Avoid revising near your phone as this can easily distract you. Instead turn your phone to silent and put it out of sight. Alternatively, you could use apps like Flora to keep you off your phone, focused on your task while tracking your revision at the same time.