For residents of the village of Newdigate, Bob’s Shop has been a key part of the local community for as long as anyone can remember. It was founded in 1952 by Bob’s father and has been run by the family ever since. They serve around 550 customers every day and turnover about £18,000 a week. It is a place that brings the village together, with children buying their ice creams on hot summer days, passing tradesmen stopping to buy lunches, and hundreds of parcels arriving at the Post Office every week. Newdigate resident Jamie Wood said,

“It is so important to have a local shop for those people who can’t easily travel to town. It serves as a great focal point for our community.”

The store recently underwent a series of refurbishments, with the addition of more freezers to stock ready meals and long-lasting frozen foods. It is hoped that this will make life more convenient for workers who do not have time to shop regularly for fresh food. Tradesmen often stop off at Bob’s on their way to jobs, with the fresh bakery section a particular highlight, offering delicious takeaway cakes and sausage rolls. The shop also has a dry-cleaning service, shoe and clothing recycling point, as well as a sandwich bar for grab-and-go lunches.

Local events are often advertised there, helping to attract large numbers of people to support small businesses and celebrations. This really helps local people to earn money or raise awareness for a cause, who might not get attention otherwise. The products sold are all at an affordable price, with the average basket price being only £6, meaning customers can get a wide variety of products without being tempted to fill an entire trolley at a big supermarket.

All of this helps to remind us of the vital role local shops play in our lives. They bring us together as a community and it always feels better to support small businesses, knowing you are contributing to the local economy. Local shops are ideal for elderly people who are unable to make long trips and carry heavy shopping bags, instead being able to visit nearby stores more often to get the food they need. Shopping locally also cuts down on the amount of CO2 emissions, as fewer cars need to be driven to get there, and it would be a shorter journey as well. Reducing carbon emissions helps to cut costs, and means people are still able to buy food if we see another fuel shortage like the one in 2021.

With large shopping centres and online purchasing taking an increasing share of the market, it is great to see Bob’s Shop thriving and continuing to benefit Newdigate and the surrounding villages. Local stores are so important for many people and really do create a sense of community in rural areas.