From the 25th of November to 10th December, the global campaign of 16 Days of Action Against Gender based Violence is taking place. The campaign aims to raise awareness on gender-based and domestic violence, tackling the issue by bringing together communities and individuals who support the message and are willing to unite in solidarity. This year, White Ribbon is focusing on dispelling the misconception that violence against women does not concern those other than the affected women and girls; it is these harmful attitudes that enable gender based violence, when really it is an issue which we should all advocate against.


The campaign was founded by members of the Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991, and the United Nations supported it by launching ‘UNITE!’ in 2008; every year, UNITE promotes a certain theme in relation to battling this violence. This year, the theme is “UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”, encouraging the participation and support of more people who feel passionately about the topic. Activists chose the 16-day campaign to align on the 25th of November with International Day Against Violence Against Women, and on the 10th of December aligning with International Human Rights Day, encapsulating the issue as a fundamental breach of human rights. 


According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW), an estimated 2.4 million women aged 16 years and over experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2022 (1.7 million). So, how can we help? 


Learn the signs of abuse

Listen to and believe victims

Fund women’s organisations

Research and collect your own data - educate yourself fully

Stand against rape culture and the normalisation of these issues

Recognise non-violent forms of abuse

And many more!


Locally, there are plenty of ongoing events to support the cause: you still have time to get involved! Everyone can be a victim of gender-based violence, and the available events, links and material are a great way to start looking at the issue through different perspectives.


Free art exhibition -

Reclaim the Night walks -

WISH London National Zoom Event -

UN facts and figures -

Protected characteristics -

The impact of COVID-19 -