Imagine this, it’s a crisp November morning, the trees withered away and the cold gusts of wind bashing across your numb cheeks. The freezing temperatures, spreading throughout your body like a wildfire, your muscles almost locked into place and the streets almost deathly silent. Being the naïve, dim-witted individual you may or may not be, you proceed to walk to school, your workplace or even just down to the shops with no jacket, no gloves, just a top or sweater. However, despite not seeming so important, this decision has exacerbated your situation so much further.


Winter is a time of joy, it’s a time that people use to reflect, to give thanks or to even just enjoy the beauty of nature. Many people may celebrate Christmas, some may celebrate Thanksgiving or even some who enjoy the beloved Black Friday. However, winter is also a time of disease, poor self-care and poor decision making. Did you really need that 75 inch flatscreen TV? Could you have spent a little bit more time in the gym?


Winter is a time where temperatures drop, blood vessels constrict and become narrow. Our bodies work harder and harder, day by day just to keep us alive. Increased blood pressure and heart rate is very common during these winter months and it is very important that we take care of ourselves. Proper clothing, trying to be more active and to be outside more is all very important. Diseases spread much quicker when we are all huddled up indoors together almost inches apart with no room and pathogens flow freely, that is why it is so important to take care of ourselves and to also protect others.


Imagine yourselves now, with a warm winter coat on, gloves and all enveloping your body in this shield of warmth, the cold blasts of wind almost powerless when faced by the fur laced jacket engulfing your torso. The threat of missing out on that business meeting, or your hands falling off due to the freezing cold all emitted and your focus now undivided. So, next time ask yourselves, why did my mum make me wear this jacket?