Charity staff have made a renewed appeal to speak to a woman after an emaciated dog was found dumped with severe burns across her back.

The eight month old female bull breed named Ice was collected by a dog warden in Lamble Street, Gospel Oak, at 5pm on October 24 and taken to the RSPCA Central branch at Finsbury Park Animal Hospital for treatment.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) said the dog had burns on her back and was severely underweight.

When the charity visited a woman who the dog's microchip showed she was registered to, she said she gave up ownership of the dog weeks before she was discovered.

In further enquiries, the RSPCA has found CCTV and is asking the public if they can help identify the woman pictured and her whereabouts as she may have vital information to help their investigation. 

She was seen speaking to another woman who stopped to pet the dog at 4.20pm on October 24 at a block of flats in Haverstock Road, Camden.

A man in a suit was also in the area and the charity believes they may be able to help them trace the dog’s owner. 

This Is Local London: Ice, the eight-month-old pup found emaciated and with burns on her backIce, the eight-month-old pup found emaciated and with burns on her back (Image: RSPCA)

RSPCA inspector Chris McGreal said: “We now have CCTV footage captured just half an hour before Ice was found, which was taken outside Bacton Tower.

"We are keen to trace the woman pictured in a hat and would also like to talk to another woman who spoke to her and a man who may work nearby to see if they can help us.

“This poor dog was in a dreadful state when she was found. Thankfully she is much better now and her burns are starting to heal. We’d like to find the owner to find out exactly what has happened here.

“We appeal to any of these witnesses, or anyone who knows this woman to get in touch.”

Ice is now safe in RSPCA care and is responding well to treatment.

Anyone with information should contact the RSPCA on 0300 123 8018, quoting incident number 01176191.