Have you ever wondered what is inside the building with the large red cross?

Perhaps you have driven past it on Bramley Road, inbetween the Cat Hill roundabout and Oakwood Station. It is very hard to miss. Formerly known as Vita et Pax, it now has large red letters saying “Christ the King” on its side.

This is a church, which began serving Cockfosters’ local community in 1939. It was founded by Abbot Constantine Bosschaerts, a Belgian monk of the Benedictines of Mount Oliveto. He designed it himself, having worked as an architect before joining the order. The building is a significant example of Modernist architecture in suburban London. The church as it stands now is only a small part of the original plans; it was intended to be the parish hall, serving as a church temporarily while the rest of the plans were built. Finances were devastated by the Second World War, and the rest of the complex was never built.

In 2014, the Chemin Neuf Community took over the running of the parish. They are a charismatic, ecumenical community that has grown rapidly in recent years. Founded only in 1972, they are already in 30 countries and have 2,400 members. Their mission emphasises fraternity and Christian unity.

The parish at Christ the King, Cockfosters is extremely lively and there is something for everyone. Their vision is “church as a family”, an ambitious vision that I can attest that they live out fully in everything they do. There are groups and activities for anyone to get involved in. If you are interested in exploring Christianity further, they run an Alpha course which is open to Christians and non-Christians alike. There are social groups in the parish, ranging from the Being Together Club for older people to the Christ the King Playgroup for parents and toddlers, to help to build community within the church. The Cockfosters Centre for Spirituality is based within the church and runs a number of spiritual retreats every year. There are many opportunities to get involved in the parish, such as with the musical life of the church. The parish has a number of Sunday services to suit everyone – my personal favourites are the 11am Sunday Mass that runs every week and the 5:30pm Sunday Mass that runs on the 1st Sunday of every month. There is almost always something happening at Christ the King!

Christ the King is extremely welcoming to all, no matter who you are or what has led you here. Feel free to come to a service or attend a group, and discover the life of this vibrant parish. They will be delighted to welcome you.

For more information, please click here: https://www.christthekingcockfosters.co.uk/