A foodbank in Redbridge is seeking help towards its goal to move to a new space to help it cope with increased demand for emergency food aid in the borough. 

Redbridge Foodbank has announced it will open a new warehouse in Woodford Green off the back of a staggering increase in need for it. 

The foodbank has seen referrals to the service shoot up by 220 per cent since 2017. 

The service says it hands out 67 parcels a day on average - a figure that is 28 per cent higher than the rates at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

But the donations the foodbank receives have fallen significantly. 

It is the largest change the foodbank has seen since opening in 2010. 

James Nunn, Redbridge Foodbank's new site leader, said: "The cost of living is affecting a lot more people – even people who would have considered themselves quite comfortably well-off, now need our service."

The new venue has been described as "a real gamechanger" for the foodbank.

James said: "Not only can we reform logistically what we’re doing, we can save the money and put all the money we have again to be pushed into client needs.

"Our distribution sites can now fully focus on being client focused and well informed spaces. They can also provide clients with partial care – just someone to listen to an issue you're having, to just take an interest.

"We can help make sure they get themselves onto a pathway of resilience and security."

The new venue is expected to cost the foodbank £150,000 to transform it into the necessary space to meet local needs. 

The team has currently raised around £40,000 towards the venue and are looking for help to reach their goal. 

This Is Local London: The foodbank is supported by approximately 200 volunteersThe foodbank is supported by approximately 200 volunteers (Image: The Trussell Trust)

James said: "The borough has never failed us yet. With the people of Redbridge, although we are one of the poorest boroughs, we have always been able to help, with help from the community.

"I think we can do it, and we will do it.

"[..] We can only operate from the support we are given and the donations. We are the community looking after itself, a community response.

"We want to stop and crucially reverse the cycle. Not just be a response to the issue, but an active participant in the solution."

To help the foodbank in their mission, visit: https://redbridge.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/warehouse-fundraising-campaign/