Written by and starring Ins Choi as Appa, the store owner and patriarch, Kim’s Convenience arrives in London after a Toronto revival, and a five-season run on Netflix.

Light-heartedly touching on the immigrant - and second generation - experience of a family of Korean-Canadian store-owners, it has a dedicated fanbase – many of whom, along with the Canadian Ambassador, were at Park Theatre for press night.

Choi wrote the play in 2011 in response to his decades-long struggle as an east Asian actor to land roles. A hit on the Toronto Fringe, it toured Canada for years before inspiring the TV comedy, which gives voice to the often-anonymous people who run our convenience stores: working ludicrously long hours to keep the neighbourhood supplied.

This Is Local London: Brian Law as Jung and Namju Go as Umma in Kim's ConvenienceBrian Law as Jung and Namju Go as Umma in Kim's Convenience (Image: Marc Douet)

On Mona Camile's lovingly recreated Asian corner store set, a sleepy Appa, gently singing to himself, opens up, turns on the lights, loads the cash register, brings-in the newspapers and makes his first coffee  – all to the gentle thrum of the fridge.

Across the street, a site has been sold for a large apartment-development which will change the neighbourhood. He is approached by the slick developer Mr Lee “My black American friend with the Korean last name," who makes a generous, life-changing offer for the store. Appa refuses – “My community want me.”

The offer prompts an examination of his thirty years behind the counter, his hopes for his family, and questions about the future.

This Is Local London: Jennifer Kim as Janet, Ins Choi as Appa and Miles Mitchell as AlexJennifer Kim as Janet, Ins Choi as Appa and Miles Mitchell as Alex (Image: Mark Douet)

Ably directed by Esther Jun, the first half of the play is hugely enjoyable with hilarious dialogue (watch out for Appa's views on how to spot a shoplifter).

Between the jokes there are strong dramatic themes about family, belonging, faith and culture; the sacrifices Appa and Umma have made, and the gap between them and their second generation children.

But the second act seems to lose its way, conversations meander, and slap-stick creeps in. At 80 minutes, Kim’s Convenience packs a lot in, it's charming and beautifully acted with likeable characters. But, with an edit, it might feel less like a TV pilot and more like a rounded work.

Kim's Convenience runs at Park Theatre, Finsbury Park until February 10.