A friend of a man who was shot dead in Erith described how their car was surrounded by masked men armed with a gun and a machete. 

Kai McGinley, 24, died on Pembroke Road on the evening of February 9 last year. 

Last Wednesday (January 17) an Old Bailey murder trial began with prosecutor Brian O’Neill KC alleging that this was a planned and targeted execution which was almost certainly drugs related. 

He said Kai was with his friends, Bill Burton and Norman Samura, in a stolen white Mini which had false plates. 

They were rammed off the road by a Land Rover. Some, or all, of the occupants of that car, as well as a Peugeot which was behind it, jumped out and opened fire, he said. 

“Four or five shots were fired from two shotguns at close range one of which fatally wounded Kai McGinley. They then fled the scene," Mr O'Neill said. 

Today (Thursday, January 25) Mr Burton gave evidence in the trial. 

He described how after their Mini was rammed off the road they were surrounded by men in balaclavas. 

Mr Burton said one of these people hit him in the head with a gun before shooting Kai. 

“I was just trying not to die, to be honest with you,” he said. 

Seven men are on trial accused jointly of murdering Kai and attempting to murder, Mr Burton and Mr Samura. They all deny the charges. 

'We were just having a laugh'

Prosecutor Mr O’Neill started by asking Mr Burton how the evening started. 

Mr Burton said he was picked up by Kai in the Mini at around 6 or 7pm. 

He sat in the front seat next to Kai, while another of Kai's friends was in the backseat. 

Mr Burton said: "We stopped in a shop, after that we met a couple of girls, then we were going to meet a couple of pals." 

He said they were drinking Magnums mixed with Fanta Fruit twist and he was taking ketamine. 

Mr Burton denied that they were dealing drugs. 

Describing the mood that evening, he said: "We were just having a laugh." 

This Is Local London: Pembroke AvenuePembroke Avenue (Image: Berk Uyal)When they reached Pembroke Avenue, Mr Burton said he noticed a silver Jeep coming at them. 

"I noticed it because it was coming at us at speed on this little skinny road," Mr Burton said. 

He added: "There was a gap in between two cars, Kai tried to pull into the gap. The Jeep crashed into the driver's side. 

"The Mini spun sideways so the back end of the car went clockwise. 

"We must have hit something else because our cars gone into the middle of the road and conked out." 

Mr Burton estimated that the Jeep must have been going at 30mph when it hit the Mini. 

‘I was trying not to die’ 

Describing the moment the other car hit their Mini, Mr Burton said: "At that time where they've hit us, I was dazed in the car." 

"When I came back around I've heard a loud bang and ducked down in the car between the footwell and the glovebox," he said. 

He couldn't say for sure how many bangs he'd heard. 

"I was just trying not to die, to be honest with you," he said. "It sounded like a shotgun." 

Mr Burton said the car was then surrounded by two or three people on the passenger side, where he was sat ducking down. 

He said: "When I've looked up, someone started hitting me with a gun. 

"I keep ducking thinking I don't want to get shot. Then the guns gone out the window and the barrel's been put against the door.” 

At this point their attackers fired their final shot and this killed Kai, Mr Burton said. 

‘Bill, I’m in trouble’ 

After the attack, Mr Burton said: "I didn't see them leave but I heard a car screech off." 

He said he and Kai both got out the passenger side as the driver's side was blocked. 

Mr Burton said: "Kai's turned to me and said 'Bill I'm in trouble'. I said 'What do you mean?', he lifted his hand and I saw blood. 

"Then I heard a bang and saw he'd hit the floor.” 

This Is Local London: Kai McGinley was 24 when he diedKai McGinley was 24 when he died (Image: Met Police)Mr Burton said he put Kai in the recovery position and phoned an ambulance. 

"Then the civilian people said the people with guns are coming back down the road, so I had to run off and leave my friend," Mr Burton said. 

Seven south-east Londoners accused of murder 

Seven men are on trial accused jointly of murdering Kai and attempting to murder Mr Burton and Mr Samura.  

They are:  

  • Enriko Spahui, 21, of Elmhurst in Belvdere   
  • Jalees Selby-Gangera, 18, of Woodfield Close in Erith   
  • Connor Brooks, 21, of Horsa Road in Erith   
  • Bradlee Reeve, 34, of Chapman Road in Erith   
  • Kai Osibodu, 24, of Riverdale Road in Erith   
  • Charlie Brabon, 19, of Bryon Drive in Erith   
  • Anthony Wallder, 21, of Eastry Road in Bexley  

Mr O’Neill alleged that Reeve, Spahiu and Wallder were in the Peugeot, while Osibodu, Brooks, Selby-Gangera and Brabon were in the Land Rover.  

All seven men deny the charges against them.  

The trial continues.