The mum of a teen who was accidentally killed by a friend in Abbey Wood said her son had “big dreams and aspirations”. 

Kearne Solanke was 16-years-old when he was stabbed to death on Sewell Road on November 26, 2022. 

Prosecutor William Emlyn Jones QC previously told a jury that Kearne was part of the gang of five who knocked 16-year-old Charlie Bartolo off his moped with a 4x4 then stabbed him in the head.   

Mr Jones said: “During the violence, one of his own team in their joint attack on Charlie Bartolo, stabbed his own friend Kearne Solanke.  

“There’s no reason to think he meant to stab Kearne, but in the confusion and the chaos of the moment – no doubt I’m afraid, in the excitement – his knife found the wrong target.” 

He described it as a “moment of murderous stupidity”. 

Kearne was driven to Titmuss Avenue in Thamesmead, where he was left on the pavement to die. 

Kearne's mum described how she laid on Titmuss Avenue with Kearne for four hours after she rushed to the crime scene.

Hussain Bah and Alagie Jobe, both 19, and two others teens, were found guilty of the murders of both Kearne and Charlie. 

Bah and Jobe appeared at Inner London Crown Court for sentencing on Wednesday (February 7) where prosecutor Mr Jones read victim impact statements from Kearne’s family. 

Charlie Bartolo's family also made victim impact statements, you can read them here - Charlie Bartolo's mum tells killers who stabbed son 'I hate you. Rot in hell'.

This Is Local London: Kearne SolankeKearne Solanke (Image: PA)

'I laid with Kearne for four hours'

Describing that night, Kearne’s mum said she arrived at Titmuss Avenue to see her son lying on the ground. 

“I collapsed to the floor as they performed open heart surgery on Kearne,” she said. 

“I laid with Kearne on the floor for four hours with his blood running down my hands.” 

She described the smell of Kearne mixed in with blood in the cold wet air, with the sound of medical machines beeping. 

After Kearne’s death, she said she lost the ability to continue with life. 

“I don’t think I can ever truly accept that Kearne is gone,” she said. 

“I will never be able to forgive myself for not being able to protect Kearne when he needed me most.” 

This Is Local London: Titmuss Avenue, where Kearne diedTitmuss Avenue, where Kearne died (Image: PA)

'Big dreams'

“Kearne had big dreams and aspirations for the future. He would have made each and every one of those dreams come true,” Kearne’s mum said. 

He had enrolled on an electrical installation course at college and dreamed of owning a business with his cousin. 

One of Kearne’s cousins said: “You were the only person I knew who truly loved life and lived life to the fullest. 

“We spent our entire live togethers, birthdays, holiday, achievements, summer breaks. Begging to stay at each others houses as kids.” 

“You are and forever will be so loved.”