A street that has had 14 crashes over the past five years could be turned into a 20mph zone.

Concerns about the "very dangerous" Wrottesley Road were initially raised last year, with one person claiming collisions were so frequent residents had stopped parking their cars along it.

Brent Council has submitted plans to lower the speed limit from 30mph into a 20mph following a review of the places with the highest number of traffic collisions.

Since 2019, there have been 14 accidents resulting in 15 people injured on Wrottesley Road, according to figures released by the council – two involving pedestrians, one a passenger and two were cyclists. Of those three sustained serious injuries, and a further 12 resulted in more minor injuries.

The plans are out for public consultation until May 31. If approved, 20mph signs will be fixed along the zone, with ‘20MPH’ and ‘SLOW’ markings put along Wrottesley Road to identify them. All redundant signs and posts would then be removed.

The dangerous nature of Wrottesley Road was first raised by a resident, Ms Richard, at a council meeting in July last year. At the time, she was unaware that the road was a 30mph zone and, due to the frequency of collisions,  had been requesting better signage to make drivers more aware of a 20mph limit.

Ms Richard said: “I doubt whether any other residential road in Brent has as many accidents as this road. Because of the regular collisions in this road, residents tend not to park on it, which allows speeding drivers even more leeway.”

She added: “Motorcyclists particularly like to do wheelies on it. Whilst there have been no fatalities yet, it’s very dangerous to cross for pedestrians – noting we have the Furness Road Primary School close by and the dangerous crossing at the junction of Wrottesley Road and Funess Road, which is used by very young children.”

At the time, cabinet member for environment, infrastructure and climate Action, Cllr Krupa Sheth, said the road was a 30mph zone but said there was not enough funding and resources to deal with these types of requests and it would be prioritised by the level of benefit it would have on the road.

She said based on data showing three accidents over a three-year period up to 2022, it was "unlikely" that Wrottesley Road would be prioritised.

However, it now appears that more up-to-date data has prompted plans to lower the speed limit.